But I wanted the result to be perfect so I didn’t move or cry. It was definitely worth it. It’s on the inside of my arm and so when my arm is relaxed at my side it’s mostly hidden except for a little edge of the tattoo that peaks out. But honestly, in the career I’m pursuing, appearances don’t matter as much as it does in other professions like a doctor or lawyer, etc. If I have to, I can always cover it with a long sleeve shirt or concealer. In the end, I’m happy and that’s all that matters to me.

Thats really pretty *O*
Im getting my 37th tattoo the 28th this month and im super excited ;D They say once you get one you cant stop and thats very very true lol
are you into embroidery that's what it reminds me of, really cute
It's very cute and clever...!
OMG I tots love it (≧∀≦)
Niiiiiice - I have been thinking of getting this as well! (๑>◡<๑)
Love yourself flowers♡♡♡(⌒▽⌒)