I am here to question you all weird one's well technically we are the weird one's to but besides tha
Okay so like real question why y'all being. here with questions, like I shoved a banana up my ass and I made cum smile, LIKe we don't need ThAT much info besTiE LIKE no. need to show hOW quirky you are,
♀ cuase mostly people here don't care BuT, I'm stepping to just say we have kid's here.
there's kids WHO is gonna sEE this, cause THERE kid's, who's gonna be dumbass and do the things you question about so if y'all, just making jokes, or your literally on crack talk this shit to the Right. people WHO like this good bye, have a nice day.
I feel sorry for your English teacher
Edit: I took a look at the ops page and they seem to have better grammar in other posts. So I think they were just high when they wrote this
2 reply
01 05,2021