So I was going to make this wonderful post about the history of queer villians and was looking for a relevant tag. Then I stumbled upon this wonderful topic.

and so I went all the way to the beginning to see who the tf made this and saw this gem.

I'm going to ignore the 11 likes and show yall the beautiful respectful non fetishizing comments.

Like I get yall are straight and yall like men but seriously wtf. I mean I can’t even begin to express how uncomfortable this made me reading this shit. And the crazy thing is happened in 2017 and THINGS HAVE NOT CHANGED. People are still posting bullshit like this, defending this kind of behavior and getting mad at mlm (you know the people who the OP were fantasizing about) for speaking out.

i read yaoi but i could never watch gay porn i can hardly stand straight porn most of the time
I feel like vomiting
this made me sad asl as someone who’s nblm. i really just wish ppl stopped sexualising others.
and the way sexualising and fetishising mlm is so widely accepted makes me sick, shit genuinely keeps me up at night and triggers my anxiety so often.
That's not even the worst of it.
Nightcrawler is being pretty transphobic
I'll never understand how people can watch *real* gay porn (that isn't manga).... it makes me so uncomfortable
any type of person (gay or hetero doesn't matter) shouldn't be sexualized and It's disgusting
jesus christ this is the reason i want all fujoshis GONE
how do these people represent an entire group? that’s not fair, the better way to put it is that you want all fetishizing fujoshis gone