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[DELETED] 30 04,2021
No one needs your approval to be bi, fuck off   reply
30 04,2021
i love being gay   reply
30 04,2021
TuxedoCat 30 04,2021
I know this discussion has been going around as lesbians and wlws talk more about comphet, and I'm guessing your intentions are good, but it reads as denying the existence of Bisexual people. Lots of people are genuinely attracted to multiple genders, and those who identify as bi before realizing they're gay don't invalidate the reality of attracti......   reply
30 04,2021
boobies 30 04,2021
*this is just to raise awareness for LESBIANS struggling with comp het*   2 reply
30 04,2021
do u have sth against bisexuals bc this sounds biphobic as fuck. and no, they dont need anyones approval especially urs to be bi   reply
30 04,2021


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