I can understand 5 languages including my native language, ok so I can understand serbian croatian bulgarian macedonian english and french(not very much I just know the basic things like introducing myself, it's my second foreign language and it's my third year learning it and I cheated on every exam till now and will in the future) and now i'm trying to learn german, but i'm still thinking about it should i or should i not?
Heyy, I'm French x). Just want to say that if you're interested in German, then you should give it a try but if you're not motivated, then it's not gonna work because it's a very difficult language. 1 reply
Wenn es dich wirklich interessiert...warum nicht? Es ist allerdings keine einfache Sprache und für viele auch sehr schwer zu erlernen. (Grammatik) :D.
Die Motivation dafür musst du alleine aufbringen. Diese Entscheidung kann dir ja keiner wirklich abnehmen. Ich bin immer dafür den persönlichen Horizont etwas zu erweitern....so try it. 2 reply