~how i made cum slime~
A couple months i had a dick appointment with my boyfriend who i hadn't seen in so long. obviously i got ready, shaved myself clean like a naked mole rat and layered some sexy lingerie with a large over coat on top. when i got to his house, his dick was already pounding as blood rushed back and forth. i could hear if from down the street
the moment i walked through the door, he catapulted me to the bed, ripped my clothes and pummeled inside of me. no foreplay needed cuz i was wetter than niagara falls and i don't even live in canada.
he lasted for a minute
but because of his magical dick powers, i was able to cum before him. after he went to wash up in the bathroom, i noticed how his seed had a light green color to it. how beautiful. i collected in a little mason jar and nade myself home. when i got home, i added some glue and contact lens solution and within a couple minutes, i had my very own cum slime(kudos to my boyfriend of course)
i still have it and sometimes when i miss him, i play with the jiggly slime as a little reminder that he's still with me
i miss u bubs
90% didn't read this, can't blame ya.
28 04,2021