I finally decided tp be more productive, besides sleeping, reading, watching anime, or just staring off into space. My usual routine is wake up, fall back asleep, mother slaps me awake, brush my teeth, read manga or novel (depends on my mood), fall asleep reading, watch anime after 80Th alarm goes off, fall asleep. you won't believe what I did today T-T
I WENT OUTSIDE!!! I haven't left the house in 6 months so today I opened my front door, stood there, looked outside for a good 0.0000000000001 seconds before going back to bed. I'm so proud of myself
Fr, I dislike going outside. After doing as I'm told to water the backyard vegetables for 20 minutes, I open the back door, slam it, and run upstairs to clean myself of that repulsive heat and air.But good for you! reply