Is anybody else unable to handle things with a tragedy or drama tag anymore?
I've been like this for more than a year now; i avoid any manga, anime or show with a tragedy or drama tag cause i know I'm going to be emotionally wrecked and I know i can't handle that anymore...i get so invested in the characters that when stuff starts going bad i feel it so intensely and i get depressed for weeks sometimes even months...naruto did this to me few years back when i was watching it...i was depressed for more than 2 months and feeling real down and bad after it... I'm usually not a happy person so i guess I'm easily influenced since i don't have anything that anchors me in a happy place...but now all I want to read is fluff, comedy, action or adventure...does anybody share the same feeling?
The only way I can actually feel something is by reading it, therefore psych/horror and tradegy are my two favorite genres (yes I'm in therapy don't ask me to go) but then right after I finish crying 1 reply