I hope she gets burned alive one day. No cap.

Ara Gomen Da de Ba Yu:) Ara Gomen Da de Ba Yu:) 2021-04-27 21:46:59 About question
so I did the dumbest thing of telling my brother that I might be bisexual (i pressed a google link that my friend showed me) and I told my brother forgetting that my family is religious and he told my whole family (except my mom and dad cuz they weren't home.) And my big sister then decided to blackmail/threaten me. The reason why I'm not that mad at my brother and other family is that after yelling at me for while they just let it go and forgit it. BUT THIS WENCH ASS HOE- WHENEVER I SAY NO TO HER SHE USES THE "im not using this as a blackmail but ill tell mom you said your bisexual" and she also said "you said you got it off of google no you got if off of somewhere else and im like WHERE TF WOULD I LEARN IF IM BI IF IVE NEVER MET A GIRL.so anyways i hope she dies in a ditch


Sum soup April 27, 2021 9:48 pm

this is what we mean when we say "burn the witch."



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