Weird-ass dream I had last night

Inferno Inferno 2021-04-26 07:05:52 About have a weird or unusual dream
Okay so I'll try to explain this in the best way that I can. I was with my dear mother and we went to this place which was like this grandma-victoriany hotel (you know the kinds) and it was real fucking nice. (Like seriously, I hope I can visit there again in my dreams because of how cool it was) and there was this one fancy bathroom, it had like a victorian fancy bath and this red Toscano and that was the two most prominent things I can remember (it had real nice other things too) but like the rooms were all spread out down these longass hallways. So I go down to my room and it was this boring-ass hospital room so I'm like "fuck this" so I start walking down the hallway, but for some reason no matter how many places I turn I couldn't find the goddamn fancy bathroom. However, I managed to find the place my mother was staying (don't ask me how, there weren't any doors there so she gets pissed and tells me to go back but at this point I dunno where the fuck I am. So I'm lost in a maze of carpeted hallways and oil paintings when I come across your standard middle-class family, but for some reason they didn't see me. Either I was invisible or they just did not give a shit, so I start to follow them down these spiral staircases made out of dark wood, but then they start going upstairs? Like I turned the corner and I saw them going up the stairs, so I follow them and then I stop because there was this room with a big, red, velvet curtain so I open it and it was a cinema, and then it starts blasting the IMAX theme and then I woke up. I never found the fancy bathroom...

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