Have you ever met someone that's obsess
There's this girl who's 14 years old that's obsess with my brother that's 24 years old. The first time I met she was nice and very smart but she's got a problem of always wanting to get a boyfriend. The first time she met my brother she asks for his number but he rejected but a week after my brother got a text saying "hi (along her name pictures of her self have naked "). My brother block her a few days after her parents starts to complain that my ask their daughter for pictures of her naked but she was lying (idk y she did that) my brother ignoes her got a new number that no body knows and everything was alright . But she started again by send alcohol and drinks to my brother through my neighbor when she goes over her house and messenge like "tell my boyfriend I love him and more" but my neighbor wouldn't give the drink to my brother she would drink the inted so that it wouldn't cause any conflict. There's even a when the her grandmother was cleaning her and lift the bed and saw my brothers name written all over the floor , on the wall and in her bathroom. Well I hope nothing bad happens when she found out that my brother got a girlfriend.