now I'm not quite sure where people got this story of her being this sweet innocent girl. Then she got raped by some god I don't remember that piece of shit's name and Athena punished her for being raped and turned her into a monster. Only to get killed in the end and have her head cut off. That isn’t the story I was told. The story I heard was that medusa was a arrogant self absorbed self centered bitch and was mocking athena. Athena being the take no nonsense bitch she is punished her by taking away her beauty and cursing her for life. Hopefully it is that story and not her being raped cuz that would suck. Then again......women STILL get blamed for being raped now

so Ig it's not too hard to believe if that is really how the story goes
So, from what I’ve read from a Greek mythology textbook, this is how the story went:
Medusa, a priestess bound to serve the maiden wisdom goddess Athena, disgraced Athena’s shrine. Medusa, one day, ventured towards the sea to relax. While she was in the water, her beauty caught the eye of the sea god, Poseidon. Immediately enraptured by each other, they decided to engage in intercourse. Medusa and Poseidon went back on the mainland and stole away in an alcove of Athena’s shrine, giving each other pleasure. Soon enough, Athena (a maiden goddess sworn to virginity) discovered them. She went down in her human form and punished Medusa by transforming her. Athena gave her a head of snakes for her sly and deceitful behavior, and a stare that turned anyone she looked at into stones in punishment for bewitching a man under a vow of chastity. (And engaging in sexual affairs in her shrine of course) She was then sentenced to live with the other two gorgon sisters on an island. Then, years later, the Greek hero Theseus came and decapitated her for a quest.
In all honesty, this is the sugarcoated textbook version. I read an older and more blunt re-telling and it went like this:
Medusa, a pure maiden devoted to her goddess went to the sea to bathe. She was discovered by Poseidon and was stolen away for her beauty. She was forcibly brought into Athena’s shrine and raped by Poseidon. She was then found out by Athena during the act, and in her rage, cursed Medusa for all eternity, with the curses I listed above. Medusa was punished for her defilement of the shrine (not her fault) and for breaking her vow of chastity. (Also not her fault)
So basically, Medusa always had the short end of the stick. It didn’t really matter if she was a bitch or not, her fate was sealed either way. She was always going to cursed, no matter how she acted. The gods were being petty and violent. That’s pretty much it
this is a GREEK myth, older than everyone's great-great-grandmother, ofc there are gonna be different versions.
The story I know is that Medusa was a pious priest, one day while she was worshipping, Poseidon raped her in the temple of Athena. In rage, Athena throws Poseidon out of the temple, she then turns Medusa into a gorgon telling her that she should turn every man that tries to take advantage of into stone. Medusa had the ability to look like a human, but she needed to cover her eyes at all times.
I heard the she was actually the priest of Athenas temple and then she got raped, and instead of the snakes being a curse they were of form of protection against men who were after medusa so it was actually just like "ayo girlie lemme get it." "No fuck off" "Just lemme-" male proceeds to to be turned to stone.
Poseidon was the hoe you’re talking about