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Ayyy dun do that! If ya need someone to listen, I'm here. Nobody is perfect, remember that. You shouldn't punish yourself over things you've done wrong. It is very wrong to hurt yourself tbh. There are times you can't do the stuffs you're supposed to do, you often forget things and even lost some important items somewhere. But it doesnt mean you ca......   reply
10 12,2018
e.e 10 12,2018
This might not help much but, here I go. I used to not eat (starve myself, fasting, abstain) when I feel terrible, so that I could think that I feel terrible not because I did something wrong, but because I didn't eat. By starving myself, I found it easier to face the next day. Cause I'll feel so sick and bad that I could pass out anytime soon......   1 reply
10 12,2018
Well I haven't been doing self-Punishment but I have been doing Self-Harm to myself.I only do self'-harm when I did something stupid or when I hurt someone important to me.Just a couple a weeks ago I cut myself with some scicors,a Knife and a sharp glass because I hurt my dearest best friend because she told me that she was dating my crush and I wa......   4 reply
01 12,2018


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