Stealing Kickassalien's thing

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-04-22 22:28:33 About done with people
Daily reminder
You going around saying you hate kids and babies, you want to watch them burn, calling them names, saying they are ugly and you like watching them get hurt doesn't make you cool. You look like an asshole tbh. Not being a fan of children is fine. But yall go way overboard to the point where it's just unnecessary and cringy asf. Yall sound like the people who comment "I hAtE GaY PeOPlE" "GaY BaD!" "ThATs NoT A wOmAN ThAtS A gUY iN MAkE Up!" "BlAcK PeOPLe ARe BaD!"

"Im oS CoOL I hATE bABiEs hA hAa Ha ThEY ArE So DuMB AnD uGlY BuT NoT Me cUZ I'M uNiQuE."


Kickassalien April 22, 2021 10:37 pm


Cestelle April 22, 2021 10:34 pm

Did you really just compare people not liking kids to... homophobes, transphobes, and racists..? And you somehow failed see an issue with that? Seriously?

NightmareWhisper April 22, 2021 10:50 pm

Well I was really more comparing them to trolls who say that shit just to get attention than actual racist, homophobes ect.


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