A Fan fiction dedicated to sindsb
This morning was a peaceful morning, Yujin woke up to a smell of coffee. "Hm? Whats this smell?" She though. She abruptly stomped into the kitchen where she met Petai, "Ah would you like some coffee?" Petai asked. "WE DON'T ALLOW COFFEE IN THIS HOUSE YOU BAKA
" Yujin replied. Petai was upset and ran away. *Time skip* Petai then found a baby and decided to name it sindsb after the sound Yujin makes while attempting to steal ducks from a random park in NYC. *Again time skip* It has been many many years since Yujin has seen Petai, so one day Yujin breaks into Petai's home and steals sindsb, Yujin then takes sindsb to the One World Trade Center and pushes them off, Yujin then finds all the fan fictions sindsb has wrote and burned them all, the end!