Sex Education with Yujin
Hello its Yujin, over the past few days I have seen people shove items up their anal's and vagina's without thinking. The forum's may be fake, but today I'm going to be teaching you do's and don'ts. First of all no shoving, any type of, animals, food items, people faces, your fathers dick and etc. If you kids don't have a dildo near you or can't buy one, OH I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! You have ten fingers on your hands for master baiting. If you don't think its enough then I would recommend not master baiting at all but I have seen people shove tooth brushed up their asses so I guess they end up fine. Anyways moving on lets take a guide for using a dildo, There are silicone, glass, iron, metal, plastic, and etc. I don't recommend iron and metal as well, because I have some pretty bad experiences. You see a lot of Jelly dildo's contain very bad chemicals in order to make them softer. When buying any type of dildo ask the seller if it has phthalate's, and if they say yes, then say no to the dress. Phthalate's are very bad chemicals that can do damage to your mouth/anus/vagina, since the outcome of chemicals coming in contact with sensitive areas don't do so well. Anyways if this forum goes well I guess I'll do a guide for what lube to use.
whenever i see some troll post abt them shoving foods in their parts, i always rmbr that one post where a girl used a mayo as a lube and got maggots infestation later on
3 reply
22 04,2021