Smart mouth little siblings.
I just really wanna give her a good smack honestly. My little sister, her name is dannie, she is a fullproof LIAR! this girl lies for the littlest shit. And im constantly getting in trouble for bullying her, this girl messes with me daily. One thing I hate the most is when she thrashes my room and walks out like it was none of her business and then when I tell my big sister she be like, "just leave her alone." Bruh. She also does things wrong or messes up things and says I do it then I get in trouble. Lemme tell you this. I stay in bed 24/7 if its not to pee or cook something BUT I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO SOMETHING I DONT DO! And I cant hit her because my mom said if I do she was gonna woop me, and when dannie messes up the room mom be like, "Why dont you do anything" :-)
Me who's the youngest in the family: 'u' are my kinds that demonic?
21 04,2021