These are the worst decades to live in, I guess?
I believe that these are the worst decades to live in, because this is an era of transition between a old racist sexist closed society, and a more open and inclusive new society. It's hard to live through this because there are both old, and new society minded people coexisting together. I feel like we are "tottering" (I don't know if this term is right honestly), not knowing what to do. And this is because we've just now acknowledged all the problems that have been existing in our world all these years. How can I put it, we're in caos, so confused: someone wants to do this, someone wants to that, he thinks this way, and she thinks the other way around. We clearly still needs to find a equilibrium to live in, and it's a kind of stressing situation, because we people that have been born are the ones that have to create this equilibrium, and I personally have no idea on how to do that, so it's kinda scary too. I really would've prefered to be born some years later on, when this situation has been settled down. Or even before. Perhaps. I'm not really sure about that honestly because before it was kind of messed up but still xD The only good thing of the past is that it was in balance, with really bad and messed up principles, of course, but still in balance.
Now, I want to say that I'm still studying, and I'm still not really informed about a lot of things, so this is my thought based off my limited knowledge, so, of course, it could be completely wrong and stupid. But I genuinely just want to know what do you guys think, I want to hear some opinions about this topic, so please don't come at me too hard ( ̄∇ ̄")
Also sorry for the bad english
I kinda get that feeling. Like when I see something messed up with the world, I feel the urge to do something, but that involves solving the other issues attached to the initial issue. And you realise there's so many problems to solve but you don't know where to start. What is more important? What's urgent? How to start? Now I just think the world'......
20 04,2021