I Hate You.
Please dont do this, I dont want to do it anymore please stop. Why did you do it, why did you ruin me, YOU RUINED ME YOU BASTARD KILL YOURSELF I HATE UOU YOU RUINED ME YOU MADE ME DIRTY andbits all my fault... its all my fault its all, my, *sniff* fault... I wish someone loved me, I wish someone told me they loved me, hugged me when I was sad, and be with me always. Sadly, life doesnt work that way, not for a crybaby and useless child like me. Why did you do it, I was so young too... I WAS SO YOUNG WHY, WHY GOD WHY ME WHY AM I SO MISERABLE I WANT TO DIE SO BADLY PLEASE... PLEASE JUST END ME, WHY CANT I CHOKE MYSELF AM I TOO MUCH OF A COWARD? I dont want to live anymore, it was fun while it lasted but please stop, let me be at peace Im done, dont make me suffer anymore, please... please. I hate you. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH IT WAS YOU YIU DID THIS TO ME I HATE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE JUST STOP IT STOP WHISPERING TO ME STOP IT GET OUT OF MY HEAD urgh, I dont want to do this anymore...
Ayo, I think this was the continuation of the last question/story thing that involved a child getting molested by a pedo.
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20 04,2021