Stalker pt3
Yo i dont want to do this but i need to let yall know. I promise this is the fcking last part so please bare w me a little longer.
Yesterday, i went to the school like a normal bitches and the stalker thing was stopped. So i just ya know go to cafeteria, being a loner etc but here’s the thing. The male and female toilet is next to each other so i need to pass by the male toilet first. So when i passed by, i hear someone fapping their d*ck in the toilet and yo ya know what, he moaning my name tf. Ik yall like “dont be a bitch not only you own that name” yea fckers this fcking name that my mom gave me is only me and myself in that school (this school is only have a 100+ students). But i just ya know go away bc i just thought maybe that name is a girl from another school ig. Today i go to school and guess what, theres a condom w someone’s sperm at my table. Idc if you fapping while imagine me having seggc w ya but this is fcking too far bitch thats creepy. I and my other classmates report to my homeroom teacher and my teacher told me follow her for police report. After that she sent me home early and told me to not come to school next week. Idk if this is a same person or nah but please i just wanna have a normal school life just why its so fcking hard just leave me alone. Idk man this is sucks. I only told my older sister about this prob bc i dont wanna change school anymore. Idc if yall dont believe me i just wanna let it out from my chest and yall know i love’cha right? Thanks for your time and im fcking promise that this is the last part.
Who the hell just moan somebody name in the toilet like that so weird
16 04,2021
Permission to yeet your stalker out of a window?
1 reply
16 04,2021
Wow that's really creepy! I hope the police will catch the stalker. Hope you're safe.
16 04,2021
ouch man have you talked to your parents about this like the best they can do is move you to a different school
16 04,2021
hey sorry, but where is the stalker pt 1 and pt 2? please we don't mind more parts. just try to stay safe...
1 reply
16 04,2021