so exhausted

keyri keyri 2021-04-14 06:14:33 About how are u guys doing in school
I've recently gotten on the proper medication (I have adhd) so I can now get things done, but holy shit is being a person who gets good grades hard. Man I went from an 80 being the highest mark I got to it now being the lowest, and it's so stressful. Caring about work, assignments, school things, its all so stressful and exhausting. I have three missing assignments right now and one due on Monday but I just broke down from the pressure and stress last week and literally didn't leave bed at all.

put me back in the womb.


Iderspoon April 14, 2021 8:18 am

I get it, I have something similar. You feel paralyzed, like any move you make is checkmate, over, done.
The best thing to do is hunker down and do the assignments. It's boring, probably useless, and you might fail. However, at the end , at least is over.

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