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Fucking disgusting and anyone that thinks it’s ok is a piece of fucking shit.   reply
14 04,2021
Well it depends, like if it's for a psych/horror, then it is the plot at times, but It's super annoying when it's always added unnecessarily into story's, one of the best examples, is probably "if you hate me that much" by Fargo. The amount of rape was so unnecessary—and the way so MNAY story's get away with it like bj Alex etc, is honestly ridic......   1 reply
14 04,2021
Here my favorite xD.ლ(´ڡ`ლ)ヾ(☆▽☆)(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   2 reply
13 04,2021
I asked a question similar to this awhile ago. It was basically about if ppl think its okay for authors and readers to romanticize rape. The replies were so weird...... Everyone just kind of justified it and thought it was okay/normal. Like thats honestly so concerning we should not be normalizing the romanticization of rape even if its fictional- ......   reply
14 04,2021 (There was absolutely no warning there) I have no idea what went down there. Maybe I've said some unnecessary things and was mad but it really bothered me   1 reply
13 04,2021
As long as it's fiction I personally don't really care. Rape, murder, torture and stuff like that. At the end of the day no one is really armed, only fictional characters are. If a creator wants to tell a story that contains these things, so be it. I mean that's what stories are made for: they don't HAVE to be identical to the real world, nor to f......   reply
13 04,2021
honestly it’s so disgusting, the fact that this is in so many manga just shows how normalize this type of behavior is. It’s like ‘I like you or I’m horny so I’m going to sexual assault you”   reply
14 04,2021
Okay so like i like a story if it had rape that is addressed as a bad thing yk, and that rape is dealt with and confronted. Also but while we're on the subject someone had the argument that murder is also bad but happens very often in fiction, video games, tv shows, etc. I want to know what yall think about that   1 reply
14 04,2021
I only want to see it in thriller/horror/.. that kind of genre, I rather not (don't approve it) in any other context. But if it's like mixed with a different genre like the ones I mentioned it can fit into the story. (Like not romanticed and etc)   1 reply
13 04,2021
It's annoying that so many stories are like, "We need a dark theme. How do we make it dark. Oh, I know, let's have someone get raped." It's gross and bad writing. I have this critique with even some of my favorite works of fiction that are like, "Dark theme... let's rape and torture women!"   reply
13 04,2021


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