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I watched a couple of vids once so I could understand some memes and omg vanilla is just like non-existent in the hentai world   reply
10 04,2021
People who are obsessed with hentai cannot be trusted when you go to a hentai site the first thing you see is "Prince fucks teacher" then the tags be like tentacle porn, scat, piss, darkskin, big dick, twincest, hell even the tag rape would be there.   2 reply
10 04,2021
Thank god I never started watching hentai...   reply
10 04,2021
Hentai was actually the first kind of porn I watched (RIP pre-teen me) and I thought it was some hot shit for a while. Went back a few weeks ago to see if it was the same as I remembered and christ, was it some fucking garbage! Even the stuff I thought were my personal favourites were only kinda okay. Manga ftw.   reply
10 04,2021
I think the only time I’ve ever watched hentai was when I was with my friends, and it was mostly to laugh about it. In all seriousness it’s pretty fcked up. I have no desire to watch it on my own time.   reply
10 04,2021
I've watched plenty out of morbid curiosity and yeah-- hentai's just rape heaven and the number of people gobbling that shit like there's not tomorrow are creepy as hell. How much are we betting all of them are incels who whine about "femoids not wanting to have sex" after they held a door for a woman?   reply
10 04,2021

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