weight loss tips that worked for me
I track everything I eat in a week. I mostly eat eggs, chicken, turkey, any fruit and any vegetable, and once or twice a week i will make a low fat dessert recipe that tastes good. like low fat pumpkin tarts. I weigh myself once a week, and on average i lose 2 pounds a week.
I cut a few things out of my daily food, and replaced it with something else:
- Butter, replaced with low fat margarine. They taste the same.
- Soda, I switched to either diet sodas or sodas sweetened with stevia
- Mayonnaise, I switched to low fat mayo, it actually makes a surprising difference
- Desserts, I now bake a lot of my own desserts, one a week, and make sure they are low fat desserts. I quite like low fat brownies, you pretty much just use half sugar/ half splenda, and replace butter with applesauce. works like a charm
- When i make dinner, i take a smaller portion, when i finish my portion, i wait 5-10 minutes, if im still hungry, i take another small portion. Eyes are bigger than the stomach.
- Milk, this was a hard one for me since I love cereal, I try to use skim or almond milk instead, but I mostly just try to cut back on how much milk i have. And i say to myself, if i have this milk, i can't have this dessert.
- Bacon. Omg, this was a hard one since I LOVE bacon, so instead I have Turkey bacon, and I know it sounds gross, but its actually super tasty, and it works really well in egg muffins and BLTs.
More tips,
- Keep junk food on a high shelf
- walk for at least 10 minutes a day
- drink lots of water, it keeps you full
- if i feel like snacking, ill have a piece of fruit
- if i reach a goal, instead of rewarding myself with food, I buy myself new clothes, bag, accessories, etc.
So far I am down 30 pounds in 5 months, i had a couple cheat days.
I definitely had a hard time with cheat days since I would gain weight back quickly.
I found that one cheat meal every several days, rather than a full day of cheat meals kept my weight either the same, or i would experience some weight loss.
Hope this helps! :)
Uh... some of this is not great information to be passing off to people.
- Butter isn't actually a problem if you consume normal amounts of it. "Low-fat margarine" isn't doing as much for you as you think it is, and really it just sounds like you're unnecessarily demonizing fats.
- "Diet sodas" often contain aspertame (Diet Coke, Fanta Zero, etc.) or other artificial sweeteners that are either just flat out not good for you or may cause issues in some people.
- Splenda contains sucralose, which can fuck up your microbiome, leading to inflammation. Long-term inflammation of the gut can lead to obesity, so if you're trying to "lose weight" this is completely counter-productive.
-Turkey Bacon is pretty sodium-intensive compared to it's pork counterpart, which isn't great considering most people intake more sodium than they should.
-"Cheat meals" are complete and utter bullshit and you need to completely remove that concept from your head.
It sounds to me like you're obsessing over calories and fat, the latter of which is completely unnecessary and the former of which is flat out dangerous and will replace those pounds you're trying to lose with an eating disorder before you even realize what's happening.
The only real advice for "losing weight" is to see a licensed nutritionist.
thank you for sharing this!!