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What the Hell [Answer]
09 04,2021
i don't really wanna judge maybe she has separation anxiety ? or maybe she's just clingy ? honestly idk but i hope you work it out together (=・ω・=)   reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
law 09 04,2021
that is not ur girlfriend that is a parasite   reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
Sleeps In Sunbeams 09 04,2021
Good luck with the Stage 5 clinger   1 reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
Maple Tree 09 04,2021
thats sweet but, no offense to her, how old is she?   1 reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
09 04,2021
Maybe talk to her... did you ask her why?   1 reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
Arv 09 04,2021
Come on bud, is it even necessary to say..go on say some excuse.. something reasonable n stop luck   reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
Spoopy huffffff 09 04,2021
Oh hell nah   reply
09 04,2021
What the Hell [Answer]
SANEMI.RIO 09 04,2021
ask why she’s upset about it before you decide to break it off, you don’t know what goes through her head and where she may be mentally.   reply
09 04,2021


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