
Éclaire Éclaire 2021-04-09 11:56:44 About question
Hello :) ! it’s me again I decided to make a new topic concerning Zoe. To understand more I recommend you to check my last topic I wrote an hour ago !

In my memories, Zoe always has been nice she was really shy, she was so sweet ! The thing is that she was really depending on me, whenever we would have an argument she would cry.

When we turned 12 and entered college, we didn’t end up in the same class, then I met Sofia. At first Zoe didn’t really like Sofia because she thought I was going to replace her.

Finally Zoe considered Sofia as her best friend too, till now were still a trio.

but every trio has a duo doesnt it :)

From 12 to 13yo it was okay we were making jokes and having fun all together.

But since 2020, idk what’s their problem with me but they always find something wrong with me. Especially Zoe, again, it’s her who do it first. But Zoe does it more since I got with Matt :/

Whenever we see each other it always end up them reproaching me something but the worst is that when Zoe do something really wrong she changes the subject to me ??? and it works

When I reproach Zoe something she says: yea but when u so .... even though i never :/

This year she really changed she got sooo mean with others, she keep on doing remarks about others body or things like this

At first she was really taboo ( idk if it’s how u say it in english lol but in french it’s Tabou ) about periods and things like this. But thanks to me now she’s really open to things like this but it wasn’t my point to her putting her hands in her shirt and grab her tits in front of my bf because she’s cold ?

Oh and whenever I react to her story to compliment her she answers with: “yea i was sure u would criticize me “ “ is it sacratic ? from u it doesn’t surprise me” I would understand if once in my life i was this mean with her but i SWEAR i’ve never done anything this serious :(

I was wondering if i should drop THEM because Im not here to keep getting reproached for breathing, and we don’t have the same interests anymore. :/

btw they are my only friends but I can’t keep going like this I don’t really need friends anyway.

I’m sorry this was a bit long


ShySweater April 13, 2021 2:52 am

I read your previous post and I'm happy to hear from you again! By reading this post it became even clearer that you should just drop Zoe. I think it would also be good to talk to her before and try to ask what has been causing her behavior, but make sure she's not able to avoid your questions. As for your boyfriend, open up to him. Tell him that you don't like him getting touchy with Zoe and if he doesn't try changing this behavior maybe it would be for the best if you broke up with him.
(also, sorry if what I'm trying to say is not so clear, my english is not very good ( ̄∇ ̄"))

ladenza April 9, 2021 12:18 pm

I don’t know if you’ve already talked about your discomfort with Zoe, but if she doesn’t listen and downplays your feelings and continues to be a dick, it’s for the best to drop her instead. And for your bf, communicate with him and tell him it makes you uncomfortable when you see him being all touchy with Zoe. Be direct and leave them no chance to dodge the questions. Best of luck for you.

And I don’t know if this will help, but I had a similar situation with my own friend group which had been my best friends for more than a decade. However we started getting distant and toxic. We all eventually agreed that we should end our friendship since it does more bad than good. Despite that, it was a good choice for me and now I don’t feel as heavy and emotionally exhausted. What I mean is, if you ever feel like shit or guilty for dropping her for being a dick, don’t be. (I’m also a non native English speaker I hope this helped)

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:29 pm

I will talk to them ty sm for your comment !! :)

Yuune April 9, 2021 12:14 pm

Look, the sooner you leave the beter before you star regreting it, it may hurt in the begining, but you will realize that they were pushing you down, it's not your fault if they're like this.
I think you shoud tell them that you don't feel confortable with what they are doing and leave, girl it's your Life, think what will hurt the most, and think of how woud you fell, i've been in a similar situation before and form my expirience I think rhe beter is leve.

Not the best english, sorry, hope it's at leat understandable. :P

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:25 pm

I think u have a great english ! :D I always say this to anyone when they have a problem with their friend;
if u don’t like their personnality then just leave, you DONT have to change them

Perie_just_perie April 9, 2021 12:12 pm

I think you should, The situation between you and you's freinds had a total 180° change right there If you stay it might not be good for both of your mental and physical health the situation might get worse, but if your still not comfortable ending it I might suggest talking to your friend about her behavior? And probably talk things out or if that's not going good then you could always slowly move on and find more friends who actually cares about you, it might not be that easy but you could always try?.

Tho I'm not really sure about this I'm just hoping your doing ok right now.

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:26 pm

I will and honestly I think Sofia will be a bit compréhensible but about Zoe :/

Perie_just_perie April 9, 2021 12:30 pm
I will and honestly I think Sofia will be a bit compréhensible but about Zoe :/ kidloz

Yeah she might not be happy about that, then just forget her she had the audacity to complain when you did nothing wrong ( ̄へ ̄)

WK Raphael April 9, 2021 12:08 pm

Yeah so sounds like she's gaslighting you. Um... drop her!ヾ(☆▽☆) Also maybe I misunderstood something but your 12 and your already in college?

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:27 pm

I’m 14 and I will turn 15 in October ^^

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:28 pm

if you’re confused idk abt your country but in France youre 15 when you enter high school ^^

Yuriaddict April 9, 2021 12:02 pm

I have a question how come I can't make questions and can't answer questions I would be happy to help but I couldn't answer your question

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:08 pm

LMAFOOO xDD actually this is an experience but I put it in the topic question because if i want to make my own i have to wait for the site to accept it and it’s very long so I chose a random topic

dice April 9, 2021 12:02 pm

ayo im scared last night i saw a documentary on the death of a girl who was killed by her 2 best friends, they were a trio like yall so girl u better drop them if they’re not good for u or ur mental health i promise u as u get older you’ll need only 1-2 good friends in life, the rest turn out fake, u fall out with them, etc it’s gonna be like that like it or not SO pls Be CAREFUL, don’t EVER be a pushover if u can help it, be bold, Speak up about ur problems, don’t let them intimidate you, be sweet be nice but don’t let them trample over u no matter what.

kidloz April 9, 2021 12:10 pm

I planned to drop them when I get to high school, I can’t rn because Zoe is in my class and it will be less complicated



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