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I was bullied really bad by this one girl from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade. And then this bitch had the audacity in 6th grade to ask why I was avoiding her and I told her she was a bitch to me for no reason my entire elementary and she said she thought I was someone else. ............................................................... I w......   1 reply
09 04,2021
I've never been bullied irl, but if you mean online bullying, uhm they are online it shouldn't affect me at all and if they does, it's no big deal. I can suppress and bottle it up.   reply
09 04,2021
09 04,2021
I was bullied because um idk, easy target, was too nice, y'a know, that shit. I now have many diagnosed mental illnesses (not just because of that) and yea. A couple of them moved away, and I'm meh with one of them. Yea, I would probably be the bîtch I am now back to them. I didn't deserve that shit, especially at such a young age   reply
09 04,2021
aside from a distaste for being touched, I can't really say how I was affected because I would either laugh along with them, or try to ignore them entirely. Being that I'm forgiving by nature, is pretending I don't know them should I see them again. (︶︿︶)=凸   reply
09 04,2021
ZelAn 09 04,2021
I’m gonna be honest. I was a bully in my middle school, I had no friends so I was typically a loner. I used to cut a person’s hair using school scissors, I used to throw the pebbles I collected at the teachers, using vulgar words at other kids, I argued with my principal many times before getting expulsion and transferred to another school for ......   reply
09 04,2021
Bullied part of my childhood: i was bullied for being skinny apparently :p i hate it when ppl say "omg ur so skinny" even as a compliment it bothers me ._. but I used to get my revenge by biting back at the ppl who bullied me lol this was in kindergarten qAq so i don't remember them Bully part: i was an idiot I went for the popular girls lol idk ......   reply
09 04,2021
Lumi 09 04,2021
8th grade these bitches thought it would be funny to start stuff with me and think they can bully me I low-key had a crush on one of them so it didn't brother me because I was still getting attention from her they always got away with it tho because our music teacher found them attractive   1 reply
09 04,2021
I don’t really know. A girl mentioned something racist in front of me and so I held a grudge against and she truly believes that I did bully her. It always puts me on edge because I never mean any harm in anything I do, truly, but she believes with her entire heart—she’s told other people about this, that I bullied her. I mean, I regret even......   2 reply
09 04,2021


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