I know it's not only me
I feel like all the SL iseaki man/hwa/hua/ga are all the same formula nothing new and it's getting so bad.
For every good isekai there are 10 bad ones. like the major thin I've seen is that the MC dies and they are reborn as the villainess/themselves just younger (or they where the villainess to begin with.) and they try to change there story which is great. but it's usually a slow and very boring, the MC will fall for the prince or something and all the better side characters leave or die or something. Nothing
Really bad summary, but at this point I find it accurate.
So I am asking if you have any good recommendation for good iseaki man/hwa/hua/ga it can be along the lines of the summary. But it has to have a good plot.
(sorry for my rambling I'm very bored.)
Yeah, since SAO isekais are just "random douche with a harem number who the fuck even remembers" and it's boring. Found a good vid on the subject if anyone's interested : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4V3vEleTyE
1 reply
07 04,2021