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Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
Sometimes like if the book interests me from the 1st glance yeah other than that not really and these days because i have sm to do i calt even read books or webtoons   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
I do. But I haven't been reading anything at the moment. Also been thinking of reading the novels for solo leveling, the beginning after the end, and omniscient reader's viewpoint if that counts.   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
Forg 07 04,2021
Sometimes When i read webtoons i don't actually read it i sking throught the things and look at the pictures Jist shows how bored i get sometime But sometimes i will genuinely try to read a text bubble but it never works out so yeeea   reply
07 04,2021
I have a few books on my shelf that I haven't finished or haven't started yet does that count   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
Yeah read a lot. When i was stuck in wattpad and light nove world. But dude i feel useless while reading others answers of reading ideology books and stuffs.Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
I read real books when im bored, I just finished "one of us is lying" like 2 days ago. Its actually good:)))   1 reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
Yeah but only when I cant read manga (bc manga is better)   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
[DELETED] 07 04,2021
The last book I read was called “IF IT BLEEDS” by Stephen King, it was so creepy. I couldn’t sleep properly for 5 days. I would definitely read it again though.( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
07 04,2021
i practically lived in the school library before covid   reply
07 04,2021
Do yall [Answer]
[DELETED] 07 04,2021
Yes, I read a book once called "How to be cool and other things i definitely learned from growing up" Here is the book in question. Do not judge me, i may be older than 5 but i most definitely have not mentally matured past 5.   reply
07 04,2021


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