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Although I could date/marry with someone from different race, but I'm not a religious person at all... I'm not atheist, however I dislike religious dogmatism enough to stay away from someone who practice it...   reply
23 09,2018
I wouldn't have any problem with dating someone from a different race but religion is another question. I don't believe in god and can not understand why people are willing to kill each other for things that are most likely fantasy in the end. If my partner were to believe in god, that'd be ok for me as long as they don't bother me with it or try t......   reply
23 09,2018
I wouldn't since I'm not interested in love of any kind. All of it is just troublesome and it would just get in my way, I don't want to be depressed about something stupid like a breakup or having a one sided crush for who knows how long. I just don't want to have anything to do with it.   1 reply
23 09,2018
Different race, no issue. At all. Quacks like a duck and all that. Religion... Well I am a non religious person and I respect other peoples beliefs. However I have found that people who are religious tends to not respect the fact that I dont believe. The I am right and you are wrong midset and there is only one right way is something I have done wi......   reply
13 11,2018
I try not to define someone based on their religion or race and if I was really into someone, their religion wouldn't really matter...unless they try to convince me to be apart of it. I'm agnostic and I like to keep an open mind about things. And I've only ever dated agnostics and hardcore atheists. A lot of my friends are Christian. But, they're ......   reply
23 09,2018
Yup. My boyfriend (soon to be my husband in 3 months) is Chinese and does not really practice a religion. I am African American. Both families are ok with it. We respect each other's religious convictions.   reply
23 09,2018
As long as I can enjoy my sinful life full of manga, games, alcohol and bdsm, I don't care about race, gender, appearance. Religion? No. I don't get it why people follow some outdated rules without questioning them. Like dumb sheep following the herd. It doesn't matter which religion, I can't handle too religious people. Ok, I would never date a ......   2 reply
25 09,2018
Different race ofc, but different religion idk. I think religion is a very sensitive matter, I'm not really a religious person myself but I'm not an atheist and I like to have my own view of things, and sometimes people can be very pushy to convert you to their religion and that's something that I honestly hate. However if it developes into marri......   reply
13 11,2018
i've always found that religions have no logic at all because the human heart is blind when it comes to love yet marrying someone with different religion is forbidden in most religions but isn't rejecting someone cuz of the difference of religion is just like refusing him cuz he's blue eyes when u are black eyed lol ?? i'm a muslim girl but between......   1 reply
23 09,2018
Race, yes! Religion... well, yes and no. Yes in the sense of ... I would marry you regardless of your religious background (in what religion you grew up in), but NO in the sense of ... I want a partner who isn't religious at all or is agnostic at most (which is acceptable). I hate when people shove Jesus or whoever else down my throat and.... mmmm,......   reply
23 09,2018

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