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i was in a neiggborhood salon having my very first (?) haircut crying my lungs out because i was seated in a high chair with a big mirror infront of me and a stranger behind me instead of my mom or dad. it was a pain to pacify me that time, i kept on crawling out of the chair. Basically I was throwing tantrums because i don't know what's happening......   reply
23 09,2018
I've always had a memory of a dream that I had while I was a baby of me pooping and it splooted all over the wall ( which according to mom, did indeed happen at one point when I was an infant.) If that's somehow a false memory then I remember a time when my grandma bought me a huge set of fake food and utensils. I remember my mom changing my pull u......   reply
23 09,2018
i was 5 some adult and a boy older than me? we were heading to the kindergarten and i was like *it's this way, it's this way* and i was walking ahead of them... i think my mind remembers this cuz i was free in that age and that moment? so it's special since i like being responsible for my self...   reply
23 09,2018
My first memory in life was in my dream or should I say nightmare that I used to be someone else who seemed to be running from someone and gets caught at the edge of a mountain and the said someone pushes me off and I died instantly. In this nightmare I think I was a Geisha...(⊙…⊙ )   reply
23 09,2018
When I was little I caught bronchopneumonia, so I was in the hospital and someone (later my mom told me it was my aunt) gave me a little squeaky toy, it was a very cute rubber baby squeaky toy. Another memory I have is (I'm debating myself whether the first one or this one is actually my first memory) that I was pretending not knowing how to prono......   reply
23 09,2018
I honestly don't remember. Like I have three that are from when I was tiny, but I don't know which one was my first, so I'll share all three. These don't go in any particular order by the way. I'm 3 to 4 -I'm at Pools Mills (It's a natural waterpark with smooth rocks like slides, and it's in a park area, so people usually have picnics there) in Ca......   reply
23 09,2018
Watching my 60-something year old grandparents attempt to operate my breathing machine (I had some sort of breathing disease when I was younger) and while they were reading the directions to it and calling my ma for help, I had already turned it on and used it. They were really confused when they heard it turn on, but I didn't really care since Spo......   reply
23 09,2018
I was 2 and I remember my mom and I having a picnic lunch on the front lawn when a bee decided that my tomato slice looked appealing.   reply
23 09,2018
I was three and there are a few memories and I don’t know which is first. My mom, me and my sister lived in a tiny one bedroom trailer and the bedroom only fit bunkbeds so my mom had to sleep with one of us. I wanted her to sleep with me but I kicked and peed the bed. I also remember being obsessed with my big girl panties with the ruffles on the......   reply
23 09,2018
Huh. My earliest memory Huh... I guess it would be When I was four, the tsunami that happened around my place. I honestly didn't know what was or had happened and wondered why everyone was crying during. Thankfully no one I know died. Any other memories I have happened after that.   1 reply
23 09,2018

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