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I have a lot of early distinct memories, many of which are quite vivid. However, I find myself unable to quickly answer what my "first" memory in life was. When I think of my earliest memory all that comes to mind is a sense of warmth an comfort. The sounds of quiet and gentle voices. It more of a feeling than a memory. The first vivid memory I can......   1 reply
22 09,2018
I kissed my cousin on the lips while we were hanging out under the kitchen table. It was before I could talk, and I was still in diapers.   1 reply
22 09,2018
This is hard because I barely recall what happened last week. The first thing that comes to mind was when I was six. So I was in my kindergarden class, (no i did not get held back. No i did not enroll late. Its just how my birthday falls!) Everyone is doing their own thing, work. A boy named Troy needed to use the bathroom. He used it but didn't lo......   reply
22 09,2018
Memories are quite dynamic. Our memory of an event slightly changes every time we recall it. That means that a lot of our memories might be far from reality, and if we see a recording of a specific event after a few years, we might be very surprised since it is not how we remember it. I think that the earliest event I remember is from when we refur......   reply
22 09,2018
I really don't remember things easily but when I was little I remember a lot but probably not my first memory I remember my mom crying my dad yelling hitting throwing stuff I remember running to unlock the door with my brother to try and let our mom in after our dad had locked her out when I was 5 I remember begging my dad to let me see my mommy t......   reply
02 10,2018
In my kitchen, looking out our glass door while my mother was cooking something. Dunno how old I was. Somewhere between 1 and 3 yo. Most likely 2yo. That was confusing cause I didn't remember anything before that and I barely knew who my mother was our who I was myself. '^' I just remember instinctively calling her mom. That's the first memory I go......   reply
22 09,2018
Pretty sure the first memory(ies) I had were the following; - That one time when I was barely able to walk I tried to help my parents with the front garden and I carried a brick over, dropped it on my toe and lost my big toe nail. I still have a couple of scars in my nail that I got from dropping the brick on it lol - The other time being in like ......   2 reply
22 09,2018
..I think.. riding on the same bike as my dad when I was around.. 3 or 4.? My older sisters were with me as well. We were riding to the neighborhood pool for kids. The water was really short and there was a big rock sprinkler in the center. I went back a few years later and the place was really small. Though I'm not sure if this is my actual firs......   reply
23 09,2018
To be honest i don't really remember a lot of things from when i was young, but i know that there were a "before and after" moment, and that was when we moved to the new house. I wasn't even six years old, but i remember some things, like my sister and i in the car. But before that, i have some. For example, one cartoon where a guy with a straw hat......   reply
23 09,2018
When I was three I didn’t eat my cereal fast enough and it got soggy. My first thought was, “this is disgusting.”   reply
23 09,2018

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