Pls help me skip class
So on 5th May one of my favourite utaites (MafuMafu) is gonna do a live concert for free on YouTube stream but it starts when I'm at school and It's not gonna be archived :( Any ideas how I skip class? (There no online classes tho)
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Sorry for my poor English
Im sure someone can definitely screen record the live mabye ask a fellow mafumafu fan here to record for u if u do end up missing it. I'd do it for u but I have school too also if someone does do it please send the vid over to me too I'd do tha bathroom trick but I ain't got no data on my phone to open youtube lol
05 04,2021