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05 04,2021
You're probably a lesbian with comphet   reply
05 04,2021
Just think of yourself as bi. Since you find people of any or both genders attractive. When you get actual dating experiences with both genders, then you’ll probably be sure. Plus you should really focus on the personality of the person that catches your interest to have a happy relationship. (Unless if you’re worried about what happens *in bed......   reply
05 04,2021
I can’t even figure out my own sexuality, so I don’t even know how to begin helping you. But maybe try having an experience with both?   reply
05 04,2021
With your mom 05 04,2021
Bby your probably romantically attracted to men and sexually and romantically attracted to women which is just another form of being bisexual, but that may not be you which is fine. All I can really say don't rush your sexuality take as long as you need.   reply
05 04,2021
05 04,2021
you could be mistaking platonic attraction with romantic attraction, since you said you feel uncomfortable with even kissing them, but are ok with platonic things like hugging. there's also a chance you could be romantically but not sexually attracted to men? probably not based off what you said, but just throwing that out there. if you feel comfor......   reply
05 04,2021
Megumi <3
05 04,2021
You’re most likely bi or pan or something on that branch, you can always find out more in the future, and it’s not a race to find out your sexuality, it’s okay not wanting to have sex too. Honestly when I think of having sex with a real guy I get weirded out too, no offence, real men suck.   reply
05 04,2021
05 04,2021
Tbh, I was the same at first (I was sure that I had an attraction to females but couldn't imagine myself kissing and the **you know**, only cheek kissing and hugs). For me, I tested around with labels and identified as 'Pan' until I ended up getting a giant crush on a fictional girl character and all of that just disappeared lol.   reply
05 04,2021
05 04,2021
Im not a pro at this type of stuff but i guess ur bi. We're actually kinda similar - i also have fantasies about woman and feel attracted to real men, but the thought of kissing and other stuff doesnt disgust me. But keep in mind that the way we think can change. So if u actually date men then things may change since things may change and u wanna d......   reply
05 04,2021
05 04,2021
You can have different preferences when it comes to romance and sex. I'm assuming you're a girl? If so, you maybe bi/pan-romantic and homosexual. (Flip homo for hetero if you're actually a guy) In other words, you wouldn't mind dating/being more than friends with a dude, but want to boink a chick. But I wouldn't put to much stock into labels. Just......   reply
05 04,2021