This's gonna be polemical
I saw that a lot of people dislikes that the mc in bl sometimes says they are straight even though they like the other guy, but in my opinion it isn't that off. I'll explain: imagine that you're lesbian, but one day you fall for a guy and you end up having a relation with him, but anyways you still like girls and not boys (you only like your boyfriend) in that case you probably would be lesbian.
A lot of people is going to call me bi/pan-phobic for this, and I'm ready for all the hate.
At the end of the day if you like the bi label then use it, and if you prefer the gay label then use that one instead. Labels are supposed to make you feel comfortable, so if it's good for you then it's okay
ur not a lesbian if u like men lmao. labels are supposed to make people comfortable and that’s so true! BUT they need to be used correctly. if i call myself a lesbian but still like men it’s basically invalidating actually lesbians. it makes it feel like that the label that they are using isn’t even theirs anymore like the words lesbian doesn......
05 04,2021