I'd recommend you read all of this.
Take my advice.
If mangago isn't up, go to mangadex.
If mangadex isn't up like it wasn't for the past few weeks, go to bato.to.
If bato.to isn't up, go on some low-tier manga site like mangakakalot or mangapark or zinmanga. They're shitty and usually have porn ads, but they're all you can settle for.
If you wanna read very nsfw gay porn, go to MyReadingManga (aka MRM). If you wanna read even more nsfw porn, go to nhentai (more straight smut too). Be warned, in both these places there ARE porn ads.
In conclusion, read on:
・And if you have no other choice, some shitty manga site.
Here is the links to the illegal sites (ranked by how good they are).
https://www.mangago.me/https://mangadex.org/https://bato.to/OTHER [not recommended]:

But those are illegal, so go use these ones as well! please, to support the people who made these:
- Webt*on (The best one)
- Lezh*n (so many manwha)
- TappyT*on (variety of genres)
- R*nta (smut manga)
- VIX (good for action manga)
(I had to censor because mangago is an asshole).

https://www.novelupdates.com/! This is the best novel site, hands down. It is not only for one or a few translations, but it is a whole hub of translations and novels all put onto one platform. NU (NovelUpdates) has everything from BL to GL to SL to fluff to smut. It's great, 100% recommend.
But what if you didn't want to read novels, but read spoilers instead (especially of Korean manwha)? Then you could head to
https://forum.novelupdates.com/, where all the info and spoilers you could ever want are!
Shameless plug: Follow my list for good novel recs and DM me :D

PROTIP: If you take anything from this post, I hope it's this. JOIN TRANSLATION / SCANS SERVERS, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. It's because the team most times continues to translate the manga / manwha even if a site is down, and they just privately post the google drive link in their discord server or something. It's great.
Go to your favorite mangas and manwhas and look at the credits! There is usually a discord server. Then, JOIN IT.

PS: if you want to access this page even if mangago shuts down, save its URL in the Wayback Machine!
The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web," is how Wikipedia describes it. It basically means that the Wayback Machine archives (or saves!) material from the internet. So just save this URL into the Wayback machine, and you'll be able to access it no matter what happens to this site!

If you want to get some recommendations for novels/manga/translation discord servers, DM me here on mangago and I'll give you my discord! Or DM me on my NovelUpdates account, and we can talk there.
I'm trying to find every websites I used to read on and apparently I only see 2 of em in here anyways thank you
You deserve an award for this omg
T*pas is also a good official site
well fuck i just accidently deleted half of it gonna go cry
Thanks for the advice I hope you sleep extra well tonight
‘Shitty manga sites’ I- *wheezing on the floor
You’re hilarious
U ve just described my way bro, that s the exact route i ve gone thought mangadex--bato-- mangago.top
Omg thank you sooo much- you cannot know I tried so many sites just trying to read- ugh you’re an Angel thank you so much QwQ