now that your here, lets talk about Asian violence and how its increasing. With the corona virus happening, there has been a surge in Asian hate crimes happening, but nobody seems to care enough to bring it up, we should. Asians have faced discrimination throughout long periods in history and its happening again, people need to speak out against this and stand with the Asian community to fight against this violence. Asian people are people of color too, they too experience racism and discrimination. mostly the elderly are being attacked but young people have been too. 8 Asian women were shot up 2 days ago, a 91 year old was pushed to the ground, a man was slashed in the face with a knife, all of this because of racism. to anyone who sees this, please take action if it means signing a petition or simply just reported cases you see. I know this was kinda long but please help stand strong against Asian hate going on because they too are humans.
you can donate to the following down below to help victims or to just get your voice heard by signing know this may not be best place for me to say this but it needs to be said and action has to be taken
Have a nice day :)