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No not really I like being alone   reply
19 03,2021
Aidh 19 03,2021
This is why I got 13 different account ️️   reply
19 03,2021
19 03,2021
I usually reply with a stern "no" when people ask me because I don't feel comfortable speaking to hairy discord people.   reply
19 03,2021
idk abt showing themselves through camera bc ppl mostly use vc but ive encountered users who randomly sends friend request or randomly dms. whenever this happens to me, i always ignore the request and only responds to dms if they asks a question and ive never shown myself to anyone nor i randomly answered a call or joined a vc. u have to be a rlly......   reply
19 03,2021
Arv 19 03,2021
I don't add random strangers. I mostly added mangago users in it..n if u as abt video call that is OK only if all the party agrees to it n that too is done after few convos..   reply
19 03,2021
I don't use discord much tbh, and I only have my irl friends on there so I don't add strangers, don't feel pressured to accept their call if they start chatting if you (≧∀≦)   reply
19 03,2021
19 03,2021
I mean, if some stranger friends you and asks you to video call them, uh honey don’t do it lmao. Possibly some creepy bish   reply
19 03,2021
Umm i dont rly know abt this cz iv never used discord before but i want to join some cz im a lonely little loser.. so is it like NECESSARY to use camera ? Isnt it FINE to just group chat? Cz im very much against showing my face like ever... ( ̄∇ ̄")   1 reply
01 05,2021
Depends XD I don't like those shits honestly XD And they could be perverts so I don't think that's a good idea XD   reply
19 03,2021
alive lol
19 03,2021
fr fr i can’t just show myself to someone i barely talked to online + most of discord relationships are toxic so...   reply
19 03,2021


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