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Feed him fugu sashimi or sushi, make sure the fugu has tetrodotoxin in it and enjoy :) (oh and don't forget to not leave any suspicious evidence/ behavior)   reply
19 03,2021
IHateReality 19 03,2021
Dont forgot to wear gloves and burn the dead body   reply
19 03,2021
fururin 19 03,2021
Try burning him if you can-- And I see this tiktok where you'll inject an empty syringe on his nerves so it'll cause Cardiac arrest, try injecting it under his tongue while he's sleeping cause injection marks are suspicious in autopsies! Please update us!   reply
19 03,2021
19 03,2021
You should not stab him but suffocate him to death, then take his body and bury about a 4 foot hole at the least, then pour large size rocks into the hole, then take dirt and cover the top, then plant grass so it will grow. Also if you want to burn him, remember to do it where no one with see, then go to the next town over and go to a highway and t......   reply
19 03,2021
once your done killing him go into a forest tie his dead body to a branch put a bucket under him and cut him up until there no more blood then burn him and dump the blood into a river   reply
06 05,2021