Mangago News
Written by: Mangago Staff
|S1| Yuri Cult
|S2| Unexpected Bans and Changes
|S3| Racist Story
|S4| Mangago Admin Imposter
|S5| Benjamin Alex Allegations
|S6| Unpopular Opinions
|S7| all the little things
|S8| Art Gallery
|S10| Mangago Shutting down
|S11| Conclusion
Hello readers and to anyone new coming along, welcome! A lot has happened on Mangago this past week and we’re here to cover it. Stay tuned for some juicy gossip, as well as your weekly unpopular opinions and art gallery!
|S1| Yuri Ambassador(s) (Old News from 2 weeks ago)
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The Yuri Ambassadors is a group that’s been around for a long time. At first, their original goal was to troll Mangago by spamming all of the non-Yuri books with “not Yuri” and “not GL” tags. Their dream of this elaborate prank shortly ended after the account unexpectedly got deleted. A while after, another account by the same name went on to --again-- troll Mangago. They first started their questions saying “Fujoshi’s are fetishizers, but I'm starting to develop a fetish for them...?”, “fujo’s are ethnically hot” and “Fujo’s make me cum so hard” (not the exact titles).
At first, it seemed that it was one person making alt accounts to praise fujoshi’s. Many people were either perplexed, took the trolling seriously, or went on to offer advice. The main accounts around this trolling were Yuri ambassador, Yuri nun, Yuri God, Yuri council~, and Yuri saint. It was speculated that 4 people were involved. Later on, the Yuri ambassadors started making anti-yaoi, Yuri supremacy comments.
Many didn’t take kindly to this trolling, getting angered and taking such juvenile attacks on the Yaoi community seriously, providing points as to why yuri wasn't much better, and that they should get over their superiority complex. The Yuri ambassadors then made a post titled, “i can’t believe i had to say this'' where they said that it was a troll, and that they should stop taking it seriously. The response was mixed, some saying “wow, people took it seriously” and “this was stupid and juvenile, clowns''. This then sparked many questions and debates about Yaoi and Yuri. Though many were calling it a “war,” it was more like everyone saying Yuri and Yaoi are equally bad.
The questions kept on coming, causing people to be fairly annoyed. At the end of the day, it was just a troll people took way too seriously.
|S2| Unexpected Bans (Old News)
Mangago in its lifetime has banned quite a few people either innocent or guilty, however, this week has been really chaotic. But this also ties into the yuri section of this week's Mangago news; all 5 main yuri accounts got banned in the span of about an hour. Along with that, some other people who got banned were: Mangago News, Mr.Blxckie, Curly, the Bots account, and CM3 who got shadowbanned all in the span of a day. She was unable to post, and all her questions--although posted-- were unable to be seen by anyone. It's unknown as to why these people were banned/shadowbanned, however, we speculate that either someone is mass banning others, bots are malfunctioning, or Mangago is going on a ban spree. We don't know why this' happening...
|S3| Racist Story
Mangago is known to hold a plethora of different stories. No matter how grim, gorey, or illegal it is, Mangago probably did or still has it. Though, for this bastard tale, it went too far in the eyes of many. The story named “La Nostra Ultima Alba” or “Our Last Dawn” centered around a black person enslaved to a white master. The tale was that of a “love” story between the master and it’s slave. The story wouldn’t have gotten as much backlash on Mangago as it if it wasn’t for the inaccurate, romanticized portrayal’s of slavery. The story made it seem like slaves were happy to be enslaved, and that they WANTED to be slaves. This romanticized revisionism of slavery did not fall past one users radar, as a post was soon made about this story after publication on the website. The user by the name of Black Kageyama, or “Mr.Blxckie” as they go by now, made a post stating their distress and discontent of the story. They went into detail on how gross the book made them feel, and how wrong it is to portray the enslavement of humans in such a light.
Soon after, this post gained massive attraction, with most people also being disgusted by the nature of the story. Though the response may have been in support of taking down such a manga on this site, many have also stated their concerns for censorship and it not being “that bad”. This sparked a long heavy debate in the replies, making many people confused on why the topic of censorship was brought up when confronting revisionism of cattle slavery. Though a couple of hours later after the post, the story successfully managed to get taken down.
If you want to read the story yourself, here it is: nuestro-ltimo-amanecer
It was based off the authors Wattpad story which you can read here:201158363-
Here is the author’s Facebook and TikTok if you want to talk to them about your concerns. We do not condone any type of harassment to this creator, but we feel as if they need to be held accountable. You can contact them here:
|S4| Mangago Imposter
Throughout the entirety of Mangago’s existence, there have been quite a few false alarms about the site shutting down. Though these alarms haven’t led to anything, we’re not quite sure about this new warning.
This post has raised many questions such as: “What is happening?” “What will happen?” and “Is this true?” Though we’re not sure, we believe that this is a fake post/account that was created by someone who wants the site taken down or just wants to give us a scare. If that was their goal, then this person definitely succeeded. Since Mangago is an illegal site, the admins aren’t likely to advertise it or bring attention to it. If this is really happening, the admins or webmaster would be more likely to post it on Mangago instead of other sites. However, this post on Twitter has gained quite a bit of attraction, so it is likely to elicit many reactions from the public and lead to the site actually being taken down.

This unpredictability has certainly never happened before. There are many people who don’t know what to believe and what to do, while some just ignore it or don't care. This recurrence of forewarning has led some people to believe that it’s never going to happen due to its inaccuracy every time. For some people, Mangago has been their home for reading mangas/hwas/huas for years, while for others, just a site they recently started using. But most of these people still don’t know the entirety of how Mangago works. They don’t know who created it and their personality and based on this, none of us knows exactly what's going to happen if this is true. This Mangago imposter has created a flurry of confusion, sending most Mangago users into a state of panic and frenzy.
|S5| Dear Benjamin, allegations
“Dear Benjamin” is a well known Yaoi in Mangago that has gained a massive amount of views for it only being on Mangago for a little over a year. The author was deeply respected, and appreciated for their work. Though, as of late, the public opinions of the author have dropped significantly. The author was accused in many twitter threads of drawing infant porn. (Sexual relations between an infant and adult,based off real people) This has caused lots of confusion and disgust from all parties, and the author has been fervently denying these allegations. Though the proof hasn’t been substantial, the drawings speak for themselves. The author has been deleting and blocking any comments bringing up this issue around their twitter, and are going to be taking legal action. Here are the Twitter threads if you want to read them: Authors twitter: these allegations are true, this brings up the question on the media as a whole and the topic of “is it censorship to not tolerate stories that continue to perpetuate such harmful things?”. The Mangago News Staff does not recommend supporting the author until we get the truth, or more reliable evidence to come to a reasonable conclusion.
|S6| Unpopular Opinions
- Harems ruin adventure/sci-fi based manga/hwa/huas.
- ‘Banana Fish’ is overrated.
- Love triangles aren't as bad as people say they are.
- “Hosik’s Story” is really overrated and people only like it because the kid is cute.
- The point of an argument is not winning but showing someone something they wouldn’t have thought for themselves.
- Most of the “good” BL’s are focused on a toxic relationship.
- The "tea" on Mangago is always toxic, repetitive, and problematic. You're not "woke," you're just cringing.
- Philza Minecraft is a god.
- Convincing a suicidal person to get therapy and being there for them is better than shaming them for wanting to die just because "it's a selfish act".
- Converse > Vans
- Please get therapy in general if you have a trigger. People on the internet could use it against you, forget to put it on, or just not simply gaf. Relying on a TW is only a small fix to a larger issue. Please, go to therapy. As someone who went through some things, I have to say that relying on TW's is only going to sedate a problem that needs to be helped. The only time for a TW should be on topics of harmful subjects. But even then, PLEASE still go to therapy at that point. I'm not saying we shouldn't put TW's, just saying that you should get help. Also, I encourage people to put TW's when needed, but I also advise for the people suffering from such triggers to heal, and get help. People, don't use this as an excuse to NOT put TW's. Some people might not be able to go to therapy, so i still say put TW's when needed and be courteous of others.
- This makes me seem like an insensitive asshole but IDC, if you're just gonna mention the word like , for example, self harm that doesn't need a TW, though if you're gonna go into great detail about it, then yeah, but just mentioning the word doesn't need a TW. I swear I feel talked down upon when you put TW’s for literally everything you mention that might be sorta triggering even if it's just the word like a mention isn't gonna hurt, the details are, that's just my opinion. I still put TW’s anyways since I’m a decent person I just think you don't need to put one for just mentioning the word.
- The language is not what makes someone racist, it's their ideologies and the beliefs that they hold. Saying a racist slur isn't racist, it's just willfully ignorant. Though, most of the times when someone says a slur, they're being racist. Willfully ignorant and racist are two different things. Every racist is willfully ignorant, but the willfully ignorant is not always racist. But we should still enforce that that type of slur throwing is bad.
- I’m just gonna say it: “gay” is not an umbrella term for “non women who like other non women” I’ve seen too many people water it down to that nonsense.
- If you are in a relationship you should tell your partner if you are transgender and whether you have had surgery or not.
- Mangago degraded after TikTok peeps discovered the website.
|S7| All the little things
-Missasiany has been stirring up drama lately on their message board, even making a callout post of fruity loops calling them slurs
-Mangago has pretty split on their post, half being wholesome, the other bringing up debates and such
-Yuri has again become a sizzling topic brewing in the Mangago pot (not as loud)
-Hiroshiuwu has become a sort of “stay at home” troll that makes typical cringe weeb comments
-Emily the “nice” troll deleted their account for personal reasons
|S8| Art Gallery

Artist: Merope

Artist: Merope

Artist: Kimo

Artist: Tyra

Artist: Anonymous

Artist: Shin

Artist: Anonymous

Artisr: Anonymous

Artist: Chilliz
Artist: Anonymous

Artist: Trashicology

"Kinda high ngl" by: Kimo

Artist: Anonymous

Artist: Chilliz
Artist: Anonymous

Artist: Anonymous

Artist: Chilliz
Artist: Shin

Artist: Chilliz
"You left me on read" by: Kimo
|S9| MOTW horror manga by Junji Ito, Human Chair tells us about the brief encounter between a writer looking for an armchair and an employee of the store she walks into. When mentioning her need for a comfortable chair, the employee is all too eager to tell a tale about a certain armchair. The manga tells of the history of the human chair, leading to a suspenseful transition from the tale to the ending. There are several minor plot twists along the way as well. If you’re looking for a good horror these days, I suggest you check out Human Chair, as well as some of Junji Ito’s other works!
|S10| Mangago shutting down
Mangago has been the home to many over the course of this past decade. With the communal environment, and the plethora of free manga, people genuinely liked this site. But most took it for granted. Most thought Mangago wouldn’t be shut down anytime soon, but they were proved wrong.
As a matter of fact, Mangago crashed on March 13, but not for the reason everyone thought it would. The creators of Mangago claimed that the site went down due to server emergencies, with several spelling and grammar mistakes thrown in...

In all honesty, we thought this might have been related to the Mangago imposter, but now it’s uncertain, since Mangago returned 3 days after. Coming up with various theories, of which the most prominent and likely was Mangago getting sued, we started trying to find alternative sites to read mangas/hwas/huas. When it came back, many Mangago users started making topics about it, claiming that they were checking every few minutes and that no other site was as good as Mangago.
Most users were relieved and started being more active and at the same time, many uploaders updated mangas/hwas/huas all on the same day, creating a lot more traffic than before. In any case, this is just a sign of how grateful we are to have Mangago back.
|S11| Conclusion
In conclusion, we need Jesus. Every week this site gets crazier and crazier, and this newspaper is a testament to that. Nonetheless, we will continue to cover the bizarre things that would only ever take place here into the future, and are happy to do it. Thanks to everyone who has shown support for this project, and thanks to anyone reading--we really appreciate it! Hope you enjoyed this issue of mangago news and if you’ve got time, feel free to upvote and recommend the post, even leave a comment telling us what you think! It lets us know that people like what we’re making and is such an encouragement. Again, thanks to all new and returning readers, that’s all for this issue. See you next week!
Written by:
Merope (Used to be Satan)
kiss my ass
Mr. Tuesday
I mean it really is true though. I tried to look for other websites to read mangas, like mangaowl and manhuascan, but they cannot compare to mangago at all. They're good, but this just makes me realize all the more how well mangago is at being a manga site... also I thought this comment would sound much cooler but oof lol
Damn y’all really didn’t feature this much of my art tysm I appreciate y’all
Wow! This is really helpful, I'm aware of the dramas going on as I've seen some glimpses of it but I don't really invest my time on such things especially if I can spend that time reading~ But thank you so much for summing up all the comings and goings! It really helps! I hope you'll have a good one then and thanks again~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
im sorry my shitty writing skills weren't able to help
yall are the real ones
lovely article
Wow, this is prolly the first time i wasn't mentioned in the news.
Emily didn't delete her account for personal reasons, i'll just come out and say it now. On the day me, missasiany, and emily got into an "argument" because of missasiany's "bullying" I basically tried to explain to emily she wasn't a victim, and yk she got hurt and told me her "overragerated" thoughts on me. And i ended our friendship because of that, (left out a lot of parts) she apologized to me and told me she was going to delete her account.
Her last words to me:
" Look I have to go soon so im gonna make this short. im not expecting you to respond. i am younger than you. by a lot actually, the only reason you dont my age is bc i have decent grammar. ig this was a learning experiance for me. i wont be childish and an asshole online again. i think this has teached me a very valueable lesson. so im prolly gonna start new. ill delete my acc and move to another manga site. that way i can start fresh with new lessons learned. ill admit that im wrong byt i dont agree with you either. anyways, you were a great friend and i got mad at you at the spur of the minute. im sorry. im wrong. but ill change. bye "
I'm sure she wanted me to tell y'all at some point. so that's why she's gone, yeah now let's move on, yes?
Wait- delete this i need to edit a part out. Please
wait.., younger than you? so below 13?
DAKFGSAUYDFDA I love the conclusion- thanks for this ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
i hate yall for making me upload this long ass article - kiss my ass
Lol we value for it, kiki
Next time, ping me when youre uploading it though, i like to watch
*Value you
Thank you
OH SHIT i didnt see but aight shin, if we are going to put out an article this week
when i said didnt see i meant your reply, my badddd man
For Mangago being down, there was a fire in a data center in Europe and many websites crashed and came back a few days after. That could be relevant since the error page talked about a server emergency
Ok thank you for the info!
Omg my art got featured abhjbsjasamS
Ahh this is the first time I’ve actually been online when’s it’s been posted. I would like to say I contributed nothing but do y’all like my seagull
Yes I do (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Yes (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
We didn't add title cards because we ran out of image space
Next time I feel like we should narrow it down to like 7 artworks in the gallery or sumn