my opinion on super straight
short version: its dumb as fuck and i dont think anybody but idiots take it seriously, started bc ppl harassing straight ppl. there's a lot of sexualities that are just preferences and nobody cares but call super straight a preference
long version: it started bc ppl invalidated being hetero. "omg wow how can privileged hetero ppl be invalidated". there have been so many cases where people get called transphobic for not wanting to date a trans person. people really get harassed in comment sections. heterosexual literally means attracted to the opposite ***sex*** but people call that transphobic. people also say sex and gender aren't the same, but go say that bullshit. i honestly dont get why ppl are saying what you should date, i dont get why ppl try to tell you who to do it with/be attracted to. people always say "youre not trans, you cant say whats transphobic". youre not straight so how can you tell a straight person what to like. because of all that bullshit abt not liking trans ppl, ss was made. if youre frequently on the internet and get butt hurt over that, just cancel your wifi plan.
a lot of ppl also said "ss is a preference not a sexuality". its neither, its just stupid. just say its dumb as hell and keep it moving. also, demisexual is a preference but ppl call it a sexuality. honestly how can you call ss a preference but call that a sexuality. thats just stupid and makes you look hypocritical
people should learn whats a joke and whats not a joke. they should also read a dictionary and stop throwing transphobic around. and using slurs against trans ppl when you're attempting to defend super straight just makes you look brain dead. and stop caring abt people's sexuality. like seriously why the hell do you care what somebody likes or what they do with their body.
to the idiots saying if youre straight and dont date trans ppl that means youre transphobic, does being gay make you misogynistic? does not being attracted to a race make you racist? no, none of these things are true. the bull crap that comes out your mouth does tho.