Smiles (a poem I wrote)
There once was a boy named Alex
A model student at all costs
But his parents found out he was on drugs
And bought them in alleyways lots
So Alex was kicked out his house
Like a loser's kicked out of a bar
And Alex soon had met a man
Who drove in a shady car
This man had been following him
Watching him for miles
Proposed an idea that began with
Your name will now be Smiles
Smiles was once a super nice guy
But drugs tore his life apart
Now he wishes that he could go back
To the life he had at the start
But Smiles didn't have that option
No not anymore
Now his job is selling durgs
And looking for what's in store
He regrets it, yes he does
And until the day he dies
It'll be on his heart that he tore his family apart
With his sinful lies
There once was a boy named Alex
Whose name spread round town for miles
His parents were sad and he pretended to be glad
At a job where he's called Smiles
Ironically though
Because Alex is not smiling
He hates himself for doing drugs
And now from the ceiling hanging, Smiles is dying.