What is the problem with being a pessimist?

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-03-17 15:41:19 About have a shower thought
Now I'm known for being a fucking pessimistic ass bitch but I don’t see why that is a bad thing? 9 times out of 10 I am right. But these optimistic bitches be here trying to act like life has good things like where and talkin about being optimistic improves your mood? Like no it doesn't improve your goddamn mood. Life is FULL of disappointment and so is people. People are so fucking disappointing. So like why am I going to waste my time getting let down by stupid mfs and life? I'm not. not when being a pessimist never let me down. I expect the worst out of everything and everybody. Humans suck, life sucks. I'm going to pretend that don't just so I can have a "bright outlook" the best thing tho is that if you need advice I won't give you any pessimistic advice. Like if you are in relationship I won't tell you "it wont last" even tho I KNOW your relationship won't last cuz I don't want you to be angry.


antagonist March 18, 2021 5:16 am

I went through a ‘negative phase’ too when I was like 13-17. Then I got older and realized being negative and seeing the wrong in everything and everyone was exhausting and it was ruining my mental health. So now I’m trying to become a more optimistic (aka happier) person.

“ But these optimistic bitches be here trying to act like life has good things” bro life has so much to offer, like mac and cheese

Sup. I'm holy water March 17, 2021 4:45 pm

Lmao it's ok for you to be pessimistic and it's also ok for other to NOT be a pessimistic, let people live how they want to life suck and if being an optimistic improves THEIR mood let them.


have a shower thought

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