I juat searched for other manga reading websites ...But none of them were great and at last ended up getting frustrated... Now suddenly I opend mangago and it started working... I am not gonna lie but I almost cried 2 reply
Made a mangadex acc made a mal acc had three mental breakdowns in case it deleted my most precious possession my beautiful Shino album.and sent ALOT off messages on disc. Oh also watched horimiya which is rlly cute I recommend. If you wanna follow me there https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Tyra_the_turtle?status=7 2 reply
I had a few mental breakdowns and ate a lot of food after watching scary movies on Netflix that I now regret watching. After 6 years of being on this site I was SO SAD bc I thought it was gone. Too many good years reading here. 2 reply
Read manga like I always do (do you guys know about tachiy0mi?). But I prefer mangago cause of the community. I missed all the weird questions here. Even if you have no manga to read, you'll never get bored on this site . reply