I know its weird to ask this in a website like this. But this is the only thing i could think of
Soo... Here's the thing.
I'm a girl. The thought that I want to kiss a girl comes to me sporadically as a ever since i became a teen. I never thought about kissing guys though.
Now im 18 and I like the thought of marrying a girl in the future and I dont mind having sex with a girl. The thought of marrying a guy feels weird and mind you real life PP (I saw them in the illegal looking websites where we read raws) look scary and ugly.
But here's the thing I dont think I ever had a crush on anybody. Well there was this one boy i wanted to hold hands with when I was a child that's it. I dont think i've been sexually or romantically attracted to anybody... I don't even know what sexual attraction feels like. The definition of sexual attraction itself is confusing.
I keep telling myself that im Bi because I have never dated anybody and will never know untill I do. Heck i haven't even kissed anyone yet. Is it right to do that?
of course, just experiment. you dont necessarily need a label to define yourself life is an experience, this is your journey to self discovery, enjoy it. reply