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Same. I read yaoi whenever i get any time. I feel like i should focus more on studies but reading yaoi takes all my time. IDK if that's a good thing or bad. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
23 08,2018
oh man i try to read every night before i go to bed... i've taken weeks break tho to focus on anime but im back in the game nowww *soo many updates i love it!!!   reply
23 08,2018
I read when I have time, manga and anime is my world. My ordinary day starts with work and ends with reading manga or I'm watching anime :)   reply
23 08,2018
I wasn't this bad when I first started... It used to be only couple times a week but now its every day. My morning (when I wake up) usually starts with reading BL (I even try to wake up early for this). I downloaded BL books in my phone so that I can read while going to school... When I come home, I open up mangago. And then I read yaoi till late a......   2 reply
23 08,2018
A lot. I mean, not just yaoi but other genres as well. I know it's not good but.. It's just that I've got nothing to do, you know? It's summer. Summer is usually the dead season for me. No plans. I've got friends but I don't even have their contacts. I can't meet them anyways because their families are strict or they've already got plans. I want ......   1 reply
23 08,2018
Almost everything updated each day and at least three others   reply
29 08,2018
almost everyday now, i find myself even re-reading the ones i've finished from like a long time ago   1 reply
29 08,2018
i have two 'modes'.my current one. reading amounts like 2-3 want-to-read pages a day and this goes on for quite a while , whether i truly have free time to do it or..not(which is most times the case) and then i reach a point where every yaoi i read fills me only with indifference,seems blank and boring... sooo basically 'readers'block'...i leave ya......   2 reply
25 08,2018
too many to count I'm reading wither im at work or on break or doing errands waiting for the bus home you should see all the manga I take to work I stuff my work pack with yaoi plus I bring a metro bag filled with my whole library from home of yaoi and yes I know I have a problem but the issue is I don't want to stop reading it and nothing or anybo......   1 reply
25 08,2018
i can relate,,, esp w fanfics i read them everyday and as much as i can and when i don't have access to it, i feel uncomfortable,,, imma go on a yaoi detox when school starts ig lol,,, dj and manga however r things i can take a break from easily but i understand how obsessed people can be since ive been there.   1 reply
21 08,2018

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