quick question
okay so i’ve been seeing these tiktoks and frankly tiktoks not a reliable source but apparently doctors are supposed to fucking touch your vagina or around it.
or are they? like when u get those checkups?
i have a different doctor now, I’ve had them for a couple years now, and all she does is take a peek and it kinda surprised me the first time cuz my old doctor used to literally take like 3 minutes alone staring and touching my vagina.
i think i had the old doctor for about 10-12 years my memories a bit fuzzy.
my question is, are doctors supposed to do what my old doctor did or should i be concerned?
Well the only doctor that checks your vagina is usually is your gynecologist and that's when your usually sexual active or something going on in your vagina but besides that no your regular doctor not suppose to do that its not there job so if you have your regular doctor is doing that then yes something is wrong
1 reply
11 03,2021