So I live with my family and this bug company comes to spray to keep bugs away right. Terminaters or something. Anyway so my mom had to drop my brother off at school and left me alone to deal with the Terminater guy. I had to lead him around our house so he could spray now having extreme social anxiety I didn’t want to deal with human interactions. But she said something that didn't sit right with me. She said "I told him that my children are home so he wouldn't think you were here by yourself." And so I'm thinking. "What the actual fuck? What kinda creep is coming to our house that you have to say someone else is in the house. The fuck is he going to do to me if he thought I was alone?" Idk maybe I'm overthinking it but it just doesn't sit right with me. That fact that my mom feels the need to lie just so some guy doesn't touch me. Am I the only one who sees the problem with that?

I would be scared if my mom said that to me and I would have my phone and something with me just in case he tries to do anything to me