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Pachinko 29 08,2018
I have this weird thing where it's really really hard for me to feel the cold, and I'll only feel it if it's almost below freezing, but for some reason to me it doesn't feel cold at all past below freezing, but actually feels warmish?? It's weird. Anyway, I want the death to be natural and painless. Like, I want all my organs to shut down as I l......   1 reply
29 08,2018
29 08,2018
Become an astronaut, go into outerspace, orbit Earth for a month. Upon completing my space mission, something will go horribly wrong with the ship, causing the engine to "malfunction" during reentry into Earth's atmosphere. Oops! And I will explode into a ball of flames. Dying in the sky seems peaceful.   reply
29 08,2018
Sent Nudes
29 08,2018
i want to be killed by a serial killer   1 reply
29 08,2018
Redpain13 29 08,2018
bleed or choked to death.   reply
29 08,2018
moii 20 08,2018
I'd never wish to die. I want to be immortal!! To me death is a disease that humanity have to except. You may ask dying is natural part of life? I'd said that we don't do thing naturally anymore, we treated disease with medicine and that is not natural. If we can cure death just imagine the possibility! People would eventually stop having children ......   2 reply
20 08,2018
20 08,2018
Whenever I've gotten this question before, I've always jokingly replied with "guillotine" because I read somewhere that you're still conscious 7 seconds after being beheaded and I always wondered what it would feel like to not be attached to my body. But on a more serious note, I think I'd like to die on a summer day. A beautiful, blue-skied summe......   2 reply
20 08,2018
I just want a painless death. Pain is not for me. Hardly for anyone in fact. If I were ever murdered brutally I'd swear on my dead body, that I'll come back and make sure the person suffers. Before death though, I'd like to have traveled the world, experienced many different things, and die with no regrets. Typical, but it's what I want.   1 reply
20 08,2018
20 08,2018
Maybe falling from a really high place, that's the first thought I had reading the question. I have fallen from height before, you won't even notice when you hit the ground. I kinda like high places and the weird thrill they give me. About last words and stuff I don't really care, and I am not afraid either. I wouldn't mind if my death was a quite ......   4 reply
20 08,2018
Yamsy 13 09,2018
Peacefully, painlessly, I imagine passing in my bed, in the comfort of my home, preferably surrounded by people I trust and love. I want to live a long life.   reply
13 09,2018
melonsoda 21 08,2018
i want to die protecting someone,,, peacefully knowing my family, friends whoever is safe   reply
21 08,2018

All questions about this thing