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29 08,2018
one of those "like this image to die instantly" posts but it actually works and I die painlessly and nobody will ever know why. scientists will try to find the cause of my death but they can't and people would make a load of conspiracy theories on it (and a buzzfeed unsolved episode would be made on my death)   1 reply
29 08,2018
AlsheBB 18 08,2018
Strangulation, mainly. Preferably by bare hands. I image it was done by another me, in my room at night and I was alone in my house and I will laugh, and another me will cry. I have this...I don't know, but I call it 'death by(of) self'? Its not like I dead biologicaly, but rather my self that was dead, and another me will replace me. but since it ......   reply
18 08,2018
29 08,2018
lol. I can't tell how many ya'lls are serious and how many of you are bat shyt cray or how many of you are just being creative for the hell of it. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to die. I've read the arguments about immortality but the thought of dying is something I can't process. The idea of not being here for tomorrow is kinda odd and rare. I ......   reply
29 08,2018
To be honest, even though I'm probably not going to make it past 40 because I have Lupis, I don't wanna die because of it. I mean, I've noticed that it's just so uncomfortable & painful in the final stages. I wanna go out by protecting someone. To know that loosing my life means that others will be saved....I don't know....I guess it just makes me ......   reply
29 08,2018
I'd like to kill myself and make my death look like a murder. ...Is the most serious answer I can provide, since I never really think about how I want to die (or other depressing subjects like that). I'd like to die painlessly with no suffering before or during the death, but beyond that it doesn't really matter to me.   reply
21 08,2018
First I thought dying in my sleep was the best but nah, I won’t be able to die kpeacefully’ , I wanna say my byess to my fam + advice them and think about the good deeds I have done in life, ( lmao I’m a Buddhist) Idk I wanna live as long as possible but yeah dying prettily sounds gooddd. The one thing that fascinates me is that preserving bo......   reply
18 08,2018
have this belief that living maybe until 45 or 50 is already enough for me? i'm in my early 20s so it's a bit early to say that lmao. i am not built for pain so i want a hassle free death (if i can get to choose, we'll never know) something like sleeping and never waking up - i'd want the call of death to visit me while unconcious   reply
28 09,2018
Lex 23 08,2018
Surprisingly, unexpectedly, a car crash sounds like a perfect way to die imo. I want it to happen during a nice winter morning, i want to be in a good mood when it happens, or during a manic episode (bipolar disorder) It preferably should occur far from home, i don't want anyone i know to see me getting hit by that car. Getting hit by a car is nice......   1 reply
23 08,2018
Chaotic Ray 02 10,2018
I just want to close my eyes then never open them. But I already told my family I want to be buried not cremated I absolutely don't want people looking at my body so my casket must be locked and I want my loved ones to carve, paint, write whatever all over my casket and my gravestone I want it to be in the shape of a lightning bolt   2 reply
02 10,2018
29 08,2018
If not old age I’d say drowning I heard it hurts and can take awhile but if I was jacked up enough to commit suicide doubt I’d care   2 reply
29 08,2018

All questions about this thing